trains in cinema, part 5

- american mutoscope and biograph co - the blizzard - 1899- jon amiel - the singing detective - 1986- paul thomas anderson - there will be blood - 2007- michelangelo antonioni - l'avventura - 1960- busby berkeley - gold diggers of 1935 "lullaby of broadway" - 1935- curtis bernhardt - possessed - 1947- g.w. "billy" bitzer - interior new york subway 14th street to 42nd street - 1905- robert breer -

athanasius kircher

the interior of the earth, with subterranean lakes, rivers and poolsof fire, according to athanasius kircher - 1678


Of a distant person one can think, and of a person who is near one can catch hold - all else goes beyond human strength. Kafka - letter to MilenaImage: Hans Christian Andersen

(i can feel the sea falling over my head)

a study of the sea, on the one year anniversary of young gossamer and arthur de eriomém's encounter with the sea, nearly being taken by her, yet spared with the promise to pursue her beauty.- pt anderson - there will be blood - 2007there will be blood - 2007- michelangelo antonioni - l'avventura - 1960l'avventura - 1960- the work of anna atkinsbangia fusco-purpurea - 1843-53polysiphonia violacea.

a sound of some new unknown life

why is it so unutterably beautiful? it is pure music, but for me it has so many implications, - hard to define - of course it is enigmatic, all great art has its secrets -; it has all the deep mysteries of the earth and its environs - for me, the agony of the old primitive earth stirring restlessly at the beginning of spring; something tremendous is going on in the earth, but i do not know