impressions in the upper atmosphere

images collected of the work of josé antonio sistiagainspired by last nights screening ofere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren - 1970impressions in the upper atmosphere - 1989(one of the big influences on the art of memory)(first seen at articulated light: the emergence of abstract film in americacurated by bruce posner)

abstraktes bild

stan brakhage - love song - 2001stan brakhage - stellar - 1993collaboration with sam bushgerhard richter - watorcolours

it is breathed by stars

sb: have you seen my last hymn to the night: novalis?pt: no, i haven’ that’s a short film, maybe four and a half minutes, where i scratched sections of that poem onto the film, so the words appear as electrical fires interwoven with paint. the other version i made this past year, pulling out from under all this awful cancer treatment i’ve been through. i tried to imagine what novalis’ last

yggdrasill whose roots are stars in the human mind

stan brakhageyggdrasill whose roots are stars in the human mind - 1997brakhage and landscape artimages from fred camper's site


The wonderful, of which the miraculous is a subcategory,was never boring.- Jacobus de Voraigne

the stars are clear sounds; the sun a magnificent silence; the moon?...whispers that are almost sounds in the undulating wave of noise the universe is

cracks in stan brakhage's dog star man - prelude - 1964painting in dog star man - preludepainting and some scratching in dog star man, part 3.- related work -jackson pollock - triad - 1948 jackson pollock - number 22a, 1948 - 1948jackson pollock - untitled ca. 1950 (detail)jackson pollock - one: number 31 - 1950jackson pollockbarnett newman - untitled - 1961clyfford still - painting - 1951-

it is a furry animal - the stars are silver hairs

stan brakhage - prelude - dog star man - 1964(cat abstractions from the prelude)(title from brakhage's the stars are beautiful)(the same cat found in cat's cradle?)
"We are a part which has to imitate the whole."- Simone Weil/Brancusi

plato's cave (the visible region)

stan brakhage - dog star man - 1964(representations of plato's cave)"imagine mankind as dwelling in an underground cave with a long entrance open to the light across the whole width of the cave; in this they have been from childhood, with necks and legs fettered, so they have to stay where they are. they cannot move their heads round because of the fetters, and they can only look forward, but

after long periods in darkness

the blackest moments fromstan brakhage - the dark tower - 1999(an homage to all the dark towers in literary history)darkness itself can be a rich realm of vision for the "untutored eye". it reveals ephemeral shapes and patterns of light seen when the eyes are closed. known as phosphenes, these "wispy clouds and moving specks of light," as gerald oster describes them, may arise spontaneously,

any gathering of dust motes in the light records the passage of angels

stan brakhage - the wold shadow - 1972angels... move thru the shadow in a diffraction of light -the doors of illumination / home of angelical forces (as georgemacdonald would have it: "... home ... is the only place whereyou can go out and in.") ...... and the shadows of shadows are the shadows of angels ...... and the fixed instants of constantly changing shapes are the pic-tures they take of